The Next Step

In my last post, I talked about some steps you can take to help improve the outcome of your job search. If you have identified your skills and interests, figured out what you do and do not want from a job, prepared your resume, created realistic expectations, and figured out what types of jobs are best for you to avoid, then you should be sufficiently prepare to begin job searching. If you're wondering, "When are you going to help me find a job already?", don't worry, I'm getting there.
After preparing for your job search, the next step is to decide where to start looking. Depending on your previous job experience, using a more traditional job searching method might be the best way to start. You could look in the newspapers and stores for help wanted ads and signs. Alternatively, you could try calling businesses to ask if they have any positions available. A third option would be to simply ask around. You might be surprised at how helpful family and friends can be with finding a job. If you're not having luck with any of those, it might be a good idea to go to a job fair or find a career counselor. Many cities have job centers that can assist you with your job search as well.
If nothing seems to be working, however, one more option is the internet. The internet can be extremely useful with job searching. There's a ton of sites on the subject and each one offers a variety of services. Most have a database of jobs where you can find out information on various career choices, look up education requirements, and find jobs within your area. However, not all job hunting websites are the same. Some offer more helpful services and can save you a lot of time and frustration. But, that's enough for today. In my next post, I will explain to you how you can figure out what makes a job hunting website good.
Essential Job Hunting Tips
"I need a job fast", I know you're probably thinking that right now, but there are a few basic things you should figure out before you even begin your job search. Preparing yourself from the beginning will make your job search easier and more successful, however, it's never too late to improve your job hunting method.
1. Identify your skills and interests.
If you have no idea what your skills and interests are, how you are going to find a job that suits you? A good job compliments your stronger skills, while challenging you to improve your weaker ones. Ideally, a job should also interest you in some way. If you are interested in your job, you'll be a more productive and all-around happier worker.
2. Figure out what you want from a job.
What is most important to you? Are you concered more concerned about money, a particular type of work environment, opportunities for advancement, or finding a job that fits a favorite hobby or interest? This is one of the most important things to consider.
3. Figure out what you DON'T want from a job.
Perhaps just as important as figuring out what you want from a job, is figuring out what you do not want as a job. Are there types of jobs that you absolutely would not consider? Do you have a minimum salary that you refuse to go under? Is a job that requires a lot of traveling out of the question?
4. Have Your Resume Prepared.
Many jobs will require a resume before they will even consider hiring you. Make sure your resume is up-to-date and contains accurate and relevant information. It is also important to be sure that you have good job references.
5. Create Realistic Expectations.
Don't expect to find a good job right away, and don't turn down decent jobs because they are not your idea of an ideal job. Like with many things in life, job hunting will often require that you make compromises. However, don't compromise too much or you'll end up with a job you hate.
6. Realize that there are jobs you should avoid.
Whether you are not skilled enough, or your personality type would cause conflict, you should understand that some jobs would not only be difficult for you, but also probably would not be good options for the long term. You shouldn't hate your job, and your job shouldn't cause you more stress than you can handle. There are times when you won't have a much of a choice, but if possible, you should avoid choosing jobs that you know will significantly decrease your quality of life. Jobs aren't typically fun, but they shouldn't be soul-crushing either.
These are just a few tips. There are more things you can do to make job hunting easier. I guarantee, however, that by making sure you are prepared while job hunting, you will get you better results.